
The next stop is...

Select Train Line and Station


I live near an F stop and use it regularly to go toward Manhattan and wanted 1-click access to Manhattan bound train times.

If a train is 2 mins away, I know I have to rush out. If it's 10 mins out, I have time to stop at the bodega. There are apps that provide this info, but through multiple clicks or by entering an end destination. I needed it fast.

During the pandemic I learned a bit of Python coding and learned the MTA has an open API, so I went to work on it. I made it specifically for myself, but figured I could make it work for all stations.
Select your train line, station and then heading.

Hit "Enter" and then I'll show you the next two train times for each train line that services that station.

Save the station page with the train times on it to your phone's homescreen. You'll have 1-click access to your station's train times.

Save multiple pages if you want one for home and one for work.

Train times are provided by my servers, not directly from the MTA's servers.
I pull train times from the MTA Realtime GTFS API to my server before surfacing to the end user.
The MTA is not responsible for inaccurate data.
I created this as a side project to learn some coding skills. I am not a professional.

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